On Learning, Teaching & Inspired Education
By Cara Marie Petrone 6/27/23
I have been reflecting on and contemplating what helps me to learn best as a student, for I am both a teacher and a lifelong student. I love learning… growing… and blossoming.
It’s brought me back to refreshing my memory on the different learning styles. I have been reviewing the four primary learning styles (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic & Reading/ Writing) Doing so has given me a new perspective of myself as a teacher and healing practitioner.
Apparently I use all four styles during my sessions with people which seems to be one of the reasons why people seem to get so much out of our time together.
This has me reflecting on the characteristics of what I believe make an extraordinary teacher which is what I prefer most to be. Here’s what I’ve come up with:
- An extraordinary teacher is passionate about what they teach.
- An extraordinary teacher is knowledgeable about the information they’re sharing and are still engaged in learning themselves to stay fresh, current and relatable.
- An extraordinary teacher communicates in a way holds their students’ attention, through the use of volume, dynamics, melodic speaking and movement.
- An extraordinary teacher presents/ teaches information using all four of the primary learning styles so that all of their students have the best opportunity to learn and absorb the material.
- An extraordinary teacher inspires their students in a variety of ways, most importantly to love learning and growing.
- Lastly, an extraordinary teacher not only loves what they teach… They love people… and helping others to grow into their greatest potential. They genuinely care about their students.
Below is a refresher on the different learning styles found at
How To Invite Inspiration
1. Music- Listening to or playing music your favorite kind of music or artists can be very inspirational. Music is so powerful that it can reprogram the the water in your body effecting it’s crystalline structure. 2. Singing- Singing activates the vagus nerve. Who cares if you are out of tune! Belt it out! Wanna shift how you are feeling? Put on your favorite album and sing along. You just may find the inspiration you seek. 3. Humming- Who loves the sound of humming? The bees! Bees create…? honey…sweetness…nectar...
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